Unleash the whimsy of Dr. Seuss and dive into a world of creativity with your little ones! Discover the joy of crafting as we explore a vibrant paint and paper Cat in the Hat craft idea that’s purr-fect for kids to make during story time.
Not only is this an engaging way to bring one of literature’s most beloved characters to life, but it also offers a clever twist on painting that will have children giggling with glee.
So grab a fork (yes, you read that right), some paint, and let’s get ready to make some playful art that pays homage to the mischievous feline we all adore! Happy crafting, my friends!
Are you ready to dive into a world of whimsy and vibrant colors with your little ones? Our Fork Painted Cat in the Hat tutorial is an irresistibly fun activity that marries creativity with classic storybook charm!
Craft Supplies:
- Plastic Fork
- Black Tulip Puffy Paint
- White Cardstock Paper {2 sheets!}
- Pink Cardstock Paper
- Top Hat Printable – on our landing page
- Red Crayon or Marker
- Scissors
- School Glue
- Googly Eyes {2 per craft}
- First squirt some black craft paint in the center of ONE of the sheets of white cardstock paper. You don’t need a lot. The size of a quarter is a good starting point.
- Have children take their fork – which is their “paint brush” and spread the paint ALL around to make the fur of their feline friend. Just make sure they keep the paint on the paper but they can move it anywhere and in any design/shape/angle they like.
- Once they are done creating the “fur” – set it aside.
- Next up – grab the hat printable and a red marker/crayon.
- Help them color in the hat design and trim it out.
- Out of the remaining pieces of paper, cut out a small nose and thin whiskers.
- Finally – the last step of this fork painted black cat craft is to glue all your cardstock pieces {and wiggle eyes} to the painted piece of paper.
- And you are done! Set aside to let it dry completely before displaying proudly!
RELATED —> Popsicle Stick Cat In The Hat
If you are looking for even MORE easy Seuss themed craft ideas, be sure to check out these fun posts:
- Paper Plate Leopard
- Paper Plate Goldfish
- Handprint Fish Canvas
- Lorax Keepsake
- Paper Plate Orange Fox
- Popsicle Stick Thing 1 & 2
- Paper Plate Thing 1 & 2
- Paper Bag Cat In The Hat
- Paper Bag Black Cat