This popsicle stick shark kid craft is a great way to get your little one excited about sharks! It’s easy enough for them to do on their own, and it will keep them entertained for hours. Plus, there’s no need to be scared of this shark – he won’t bite!
There is no need to be scared of this gray shark craft idea! I promise you it won’t “bite” and definitely won’t scare little children either!
Perfect as a summer themed craft or even for Shark Week in August – this simple craft idea is budget friendly, super simple and of course fun for ALL ages!
Make a whole bunch at once for awesome beach themed decor or just make one for some pretend play awesomeness on the living room floor. Whatever you do – I hope it takes a “bite” out of the boredom blues this summer! Happy crafting, my friends!
This shark kid craft is a great way to get your little ones excited about sharks! It’s easy and fun, and there’s no need to be scared. Let them have a blast making this popsicle stick shark while learning a thing or two about these amazing creatures.
Craft Supplies:
- Jumbo Popsicle Sticks – 3 per craft
- School Glue
- Gray Cardstock Paper
- White Cardstock Paper
- Gray Craft Paint
- Paint Brush
- Craft Scissors
- Black Marker
- First grab three popsicle sticks {three per shark} and glue them together to look like a triangle.
- Set aside to let it dry completely. Repeat.
- While those are drying, grab your gray cardstock and cut a triangular shape that will be placed within the popsicle stick design and be body of the shark.
- At this time, you should also cut out some fins, sharp teeth and of course – an eye for your shark to see!
- To finish off the Popsicle Stick Shark – have children paint their popsicle stick design completely gray, as well as gluing the paper pieces in place.
- Once done, set aside to let it dry completely before displaying proudly!
- Don’t forget to share pictures with us on your social media sites! #gluedtomycrafts
RELATED —> Paper Plate Shark
If you are looking for even MORE easy summer themed kid craft ideas, from Glued To My Crafts, be sure to check out these fun posts listed below!
Clothespin Mermaids
Popsicle Stick Mermaid Tails
Handprint Popsicle Stick Ice Cream
Paper Plate Hermit Crab
Foam Ball Ice Cream Cones
Paper Shark Mouth Picture Frame
Paper Plate Shark Car
Footprint Sharks Keepsake