This summer, transform the ordinary into an outside-the-box idea! Check out our Dollar Tree Inspired Polka Dot Mermaid Tail kid craft idea.
This easy and fun kids craft is perfect for a day spent at home or in the pool. Get creative and have a blast with your little ones!
Paper Plate Mermaid Tail
Come one, come all – it’s a mermaid themed kid craft idea you simply can’t resist today!
I challenge YOU to run {don’t walk} to your local Dollar Tree right now and pick up a pack {yes – one pack} of neon self-adhesive color coding labels! That’s it! Then get ready for some fun as you and your child make a one-of-a-kind Polka Dot Mermaid Tail out of a simple paper plate!
YUP! With only THREE simple craft supplies, it’s simply striking and eye-catching to say the least. Did I also mention, this mermaid kids craft idea is SUPER cheap and rather unique as well? I sure think that makes it a winner right there!
Well – enough chit chat from me! Find all the details you need to know, in the full green mermaid tail tutorial below! Happy crafting, my dear friends!
RELATED —> Paper & Glitter Mermaid Tail
Get creative with the kids this summer and make this fun paper plate polka dot mermaid tail craft! They’ll love it!
Craft Supplies:
- Large Paper Plate
- Color Coding Labels
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Green Cardstock Paper
- First things first – cut off two small sections off your paper plate to look like a mermaid tail.
- Discard the extra pieces. A good way to describe this step is to cut your paper plate to look like a carrot.
- Now you are ready for the scales! Have children place their color coding labels ALL over the paper plate, until it’s completely covered in polka dots. They can layer them, make a pattern etc. Whatever they like on this step!
- To finish off the Polka Dot Mermaid Tail – cut out TWO fins from the green cardstock paper and staple it to the paper plate piece.
- That’s a wrap! Then display proudly for all to see!!!
RELATED —> Paper Plate Mermaid House
Love this polka dot mermaid tail craft idea? We sure hope so! So why let the fun stop here?
Come linger on our site and be sure to check out our Wooden Spoon Mermaid post from us. It’s another crafty idea perfect for those mermaid lovers in your life!