Fall head over heels with today’s DIY Handprint Leaf Napkins kid craft tutorial! It’s the perfect personal gift for kids to make this fall season!

Leaf Handprint Napkins – Craft Idea For Thanksgiving
You all know how much I love creating handprint artwork with my son. The canvases we have made together {and I have shared on the Glued To My Crafts’ blog} have been my favorite keepsakes to date.
So with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’ve been wanting to make something with those sweet little hands of his, to add to my collection. Most importantly, I really wanted something that we could in-cooperate into the holidays for years to come.
While walking the aisles of Target recently, I came across some clearance cloth napkins and instantly started to piece this craft together in my head. I envisioned these beautiful leaves and how a simple handprint can be turned into a decorative one. After grabbing some fabric paint from my stash and having some patience with my three year old – I got some beautiful decorated napkins that really capture the moment.
So without further ado – today I’m going to share with you all how simple it is for YOU to make these DIY Handprint Leaf Napkins with your child today. These napkins are perfect for a beautiful Thanksgiving table-scape {and years to come!}
Don’t forget to share pictures of your child’s cloth napkins covered with handprint leaves on our Facebook page! #gluedtomycrafts
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Get creative with the kids this weekend and make these cute handprint leaf napkins! They are sure to be a fun activity and make a beautiful addition to your table at Thanksgiving dinner
Craft Supplies:
- White Cloth Napkins
- Fabric Paint
- Brown Puffy Paint
- Foam Paint Brushes
- Baby Wipes
- Small Paper Plate
- Trash Bags/Newspapers
- Cute Little Hands
- First lay your napkins flat on some clean, trash bags or newspapers. This is especially important because the fabric paint will more than likely bleed through to the other side and you don’t want your pretty table to get messed up.
- Then one by one, paint your child’s hands and press them in various areas on the napkins. I did four handprints in each of my colors {a total of 12 handprints on each napkin} You may need more or less to get the look you like.
- Now grab your puffy paint and outline each handprint, to look like leaves. {It doesn’t have to be perfect}
- Once done, let the paint dry completely before using or storing your napkins.
- Don’t forget to snap a few pictures of your child’s DIY handprint leaf napkins and share them on your various social media sites! #gluedtomycrafts
{I recommend handwashing these so they are good to go for years to come!}
RELATED —> Handprint Gift Collection

Super fun, right? If I were to do it over again, I would include ALL our handprints on the napkins. {I think it would be really neat to showcase the family} Just from my experience, my son got super anxious and really didn’t want to participate after a few handprints. {As you can see, we did A LOT!}
I ended up having to come back to the project later on in the day, to have him finish all the napkins. If I included all of us in the process, I think we would have had more coverage and just more fun! {That’s my two cents anyways!}
For more handprint crafts from Glued To My Crafts, be sure to check out these fun blog posts:
- Handprint Button Tree
- Handprint Flag Patriotic Shirt
- Handprint Gift Ideas From Us
- Handprint Cactus Plant
- Christmas Tree Napkins
- Handprint Flower Napkins