Craft Ideas Using Pool Noodles
I’ve said this time and time again – at Glued To My Crafts, we absolutely LOVE stepping outside the box. BIG TIME! It really makes mine and my son’s crafty heart happy and proud when we come up with something no one else has.
We also like taking ordinary materials {like the pool noodles you find this time of year} and turning them into the unexpected.
I mean… who knew you could take a simple $1 pool noodle and make a fish, donut, a unicorn, a crab or even a jellyfish friend on paper, with just a few steps? We really strive to make those crafty juices flow within you AND have you make a great piece to show off NO MATTER what time of year!
So whether you are looking for some boredom craft busters to recreate at home or you are planning a summer camp event for little ones, we hope our Pool Noodle Stamped Craft Roundup inspires you!
Find various ideas put together in ONE large pool noodle crafts collection below! Be sure to also bookmark this particular post because it WILL Be growing as the days go by this summer and I find more time to edit pictures 🙂 I currently have about 10 other ideas waiting for my magic touch and they will be up soon! PROMISE!
Happy crafting, my friends! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook so you never miss a new tutorial from us! #gluedtomycrafts
All these ideas start off by cutting the pool noodle down with a kitchen knife or sharp crafting device. PLEASE ALWAYS USE ADULT SUPERVISION AND MAKE SMART CHOICES WHEN CRAFTING WITH KIDS. KIDS SHOULD NOT CUT THE POOL NOODLE ON THEIR OWN. EVER.