Are you looking to make an out-of-this-world keepsake with your child?! Then look no further than this Handprint Alien craft!
As a mom, teacher or creative person, you know how special it is to take time to make unique keepsakes with your children.
Whether it’s an ornament for the holidays or simply something that captures their funny faces and growing personalities as they grow older. But why not stretch your creativity just a bit more to create something so outrageous – like a Handprint Alien craft!
Yes, you read that right—we invite you to have some good-natured fun today by crafting this adorable extra-terrestrial creature using your kid’s handprint!
So grab those scissors and glue because we are about to embark on an “out of this world” artistic journey with our friends from outer space!
Handprint Green Alien Craft
With some simple materials from around the house you and your child can recreate this OUT OF THIS WORLD keepsake within minutes!
To recreate this art project, all you need to do is print out the provided “you are out of this world” file on light purple cardstock paper. You only need ONE print per world craft. Go ahead and have children color in the outer space design however they like.
Next up – grab a sheet of lime green cardstock paper and a pencil. Trace your child’s hand {left or right} of the paper. Now trim out the traced design. Go ahead and add some googly eyes to each fingertip for the alien’s eyes, as well as drawing on a smile in the center. Finally – glue the handprint cutout to the center of the keepsake, along with some star stickers ALL around.
And that’s it! It’s honestly doesn’t get any easier than this! This handprint alien keepsake craft can happen within minutes and I sure hope you give this a try today!
This adorable alien handprint craft is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face! Whether for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or just because moments, we hope this latest fun activity from Glued To My Crafts comes in handy for you!
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