Channel your creative energy with this fun and easy paper plate & coffee filter boat craft!
Coffee Filter & Paper Plate Boat
I’ve always identified myself as “that crafty girl.” Now that I’m a mother, I have molded into “that crafty mom.” A title I actually like and proclaim to the world proudly on this very website!
Before becoming a mother, it was all about me and “my craftiness.” It was my alone time and way of relieving stress. I had no real rules or need to hide the glitter. If I wanted to leave the paint on the table, I could. As well as anything else that could potentially make a mess.
What was my alone time before, is being shared with a spotlight of a little boy. And quite frankly – I feel like my creativity juices are overflowing because of it. {In an amazing way!}
I’m blessed with a crafty twist in my life {insert tears of joy.} I don’t just craft to preserve pictures or gift something to someone anymore. I now craft to entertain, teach and keep spirits high. Not to mention, this blog has grown because of it and see with each pin you all like kid crafts as much as I do.
When my son and I are bored and there is nothing to do, I usually grab some paint/paper & tell Lil Man to have it. This is how I keep him busy and myself sane – day in & day out. I also keep a list of craft projects I want to get done so I can share them on this very blog you landed on today. I say we live a very busy, but EXTRA crafty life.
Because of all that craftiness, I really don’t need ANY more excuses to craft – BUT when a holiday or celebration {even the tiniest one} comes around, I do like to make an effort to do something around it. As little man gets older, I plan to turn each craft we do into a learning lesson. I just hope my crafty gene sticks with him.
So now to the real reason of this tutorial today {besides telling my life story – sorry if I bored you!}
Today’s paper plate and coffee filter boat craft goes perfect with the upcoming celebration of Columbus Day. If you didn’t know it’s happening this coming Monday, October 12th. A quick recap – Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1942 and discovered the New World. Hence, why we are where we are today. He couldn’t have done it without a boat, so that is what today’s theme is – boats!
If you would like to recreate this very craft with your child {whether because of the holiday or not} you can find ALL the details you need to know below. I really do hope you are inspired to give it a try today!
RELATED —> Handprint Boat Canvas
Find out how easy it is to make a coffee filter boat with paper plates and some glue! All you need are a few simple supplies!
Craft Supplies:
- Small Paper Plate
- Craft Scissors
- Brown Craft Paint
- Foam Paint Brush
- White Coffee Filters
- Blue Tissue Paper
- Blue Cardstock Paper
- School Glue
- Jumbo Popsicle Sticks
For each boat craft you need 1 coffee filters, 1 half of a paper plate, 1 popsicle stick and one piece of cardstock paper. You can do one boat craft for each ship in the Columbus Day theme: the Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta.
- First cut your small paper plate in half. Straight up the center, into two equal pieces. Save one half for today’s boat craft and the other for a rainy day.
- Next have your child paint their paper plate piece completely brown. If you don’t have craft paint, feel free to use crayons, markers, coloring pencils etc. to make this step happen.
- When done painting, set it aside and let the paper plate half dry completely.
- Now grab your light blue cardstock, blue tissue paper, scissors and school glue.
- Cut out a handful of small tissue paper squares that will become the “waves” and/or ocean of the craft.
- Go ahead and make a line of glue on the bottom of your light blue cardstock paper and let kids add the “tissue paper square” water to the craft. If desired, add a second row of water on top of that.
- While children are working on that, go ahead and fold the coffee filter in half & then in half again. Use the school glue to secure it and make the boat sail.
- Now the final steps and where it finally starts to look like a boat! Grab the painted paper plate piece, the folded coffee filter and the jumbo popsicle stick.
- Start off by gluing the popsicle stick in the center of the decorated paper from earlier.
- Follow that up by gluing down the paper plate piece and then the coffee filter sail.
- Add anything else you see fitting and allow your paper plate & coffee filter boat to dry completely before you display it proudly for ALL to see!
RELATED —> Paper Plate Pirate
Now I know in the beginning of this I was really pushing this as a Columbus Day kid craft idea but really you can do this all year long. In fact, if you missed the window on doing this during the holiday, this would make a great summer craft for toddlers! Wouldn’t it?
Well I hope I gave you some inspiration to keep the kids busy this coming holiday! Be sure to also check out our Popsicle Stick Pirate Ship tutorial, as well! It pairs nicely with today’s paper plate boat art project idea – hint hint!
Then when you complete either of our tutorials, come share pictures on our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram to see them! #gluedtomycrafts