Introducing our latest handprint keepsake craft idea, that captures the beautiful moments we can create even when we’re physically apart. Join us as we spread love, laughter, and a little DIY magic in your home or classroom today!
Hands down, today’s latest “hand on this heart” tutorial and free printable from us, is the sweetest gift for kids to make and give anytime of the year!
This craft is not only a fun activity that can be done at home or in a daycare setting with young kids, but it also results in a beautiful personalized keepsake that will last for years to come!
To complete this “think of me when we are apart” craft, the first thing you need to do is print out our provided file, on a single sheet of cardstock paper. You can do white or any color of your choosing.
Next up, help children add their painted handprint in the center of the paper. Any hand or color will do. Let it dry completely.
And that’s it for this handprint keepsake! Easy peasy! Children can of course add any other embellishments they see fit around the heart design and then they will have a beautiful and sentimental piece to either display or gift away!
We hope this latest freebie from Glued To My Crafts comes in handy for you! Happy crafting, my friends! #gluedtomycrafts
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