Our “Popcorn Fine Motor Game” is simple, while the supplies are inexpensive. Just scatter cotton balls all over the room and have children use tongs to pick up the pieces! Easy peasy!
Popcorn Game For Toddlers
I’ve been on a roll lately with sharing Busy Bag & Sensory Bin Ideas on Glued To My Crafts and today is all about a “fun” activity for the little ones in your life. We are talking CENTS to recreate and play!
This toddler friendly Pick Up The Popcorn – Fine Motor Game is super simple for moms to pull together with ease, while the supplies are inexpensive too.
To play, just sprinkle a handful of cotton ball “popcorn” all over your living room and have your child “pick up” the pieces with their tongs and place in their popcorn bag. To change it up, throw in some counting and you have an educational spin on this idea!
I picked up all our game supplies at my local Dollar Tree but you probably have all {or almost all} of these items already hiding in your house {making it easy to pull together NOW!}
Best part? Once done playing the game, simply gather everything and reuse the supplies for other kid friendly crafts 😉
Ready to make it for your toddler today? Find all the details below for our Pick Up The Popcorn game idea! Have a great day, my friends!
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Game Supplies:
- Large, White Cotton Balls
- Kid Friendly Tongs {Dollar Tree}
- Cardboard Popcorn Bags
The Directions:
- To start, it’s easy! Just sprinkle the cotton balls all over the room. On the furniture, on the floor… etc.
- Now hand over the popcorn box and tongs. Instruct your child to “pick up” their popcorn pieces with their tongs.
- When done, pick up everything and store away till next time!
- For added fun, you can add in lessons like “pick up five popcorn pieces” or “pick up the popcorn pieces on the couch.”
- You could even color a few cotton balls with a marker and make it a scavenger hunt to find the perfect one!
RELATED—> Cupcake Counting Game
For more fun learning activities, be sure to check out these past busy bag ideas:
- Fruit Tree Busy Bag Idea
- Felt Sandwich Kit
- Counting Ants Game
- Cupcake Counting Game
- Pretend Play Pizza Making Kit
- Counting Felt Chain
- Popsicle Stick Tic Tac Toe Game