Spread cheer in the classroom! Find special gift tags to surprise parents & volunteers for their extra effort!
Gift Tag Printable To Thank Volunteers
Hi friends! I’m so glad you landed on our EXTRA MILE gift tag post! Since it’s still back to school season, I thought this was a great idea to share with you all.
If you are like us, school has been in full swing for a few weeks now but there’s always a good excuse to “gift” something unexpected to someone you really appreciate.
So now that the “new-ness” and first few weeks of school have gone by, it’s time to focus on the awesome parents and volunteers that GO THE EXTRA MILE to get the little {and big} things done, in and around the school & make things really GREAT for the overall school experience. It really does take a village to raise our next generation and we couldn’t do it without them!
I personally never knew how much time and effort, volunteering for my son’s school took, until we were in the gist of it last year with my husband being the PTA president. Kudos to those parents and volunteers that do it ALL year, EVERY year and with ALL THEIR HEART! It’s a lot of work and hopefully doesn’t go unnoticed.
RELATED —> Volunteer Appreciation Gift Tags
- Now for this blog post. We all know that volunteering takes a lot of effort, as well as heart. Taking time out of your day is not always easy and sometimes you just have to go the extra mile to make it happen. So with that in mind, whether you are a teacher, have a role in the PTA board or you are just looking for something small to give your volunteers as an appreciation gesture, today’s post is just for YOU!
- All you need to do is grab the file from box.com, for our FREE EXTRA MILE GIFT TAG PRINTABLE and pair it with a simple pack of Extra gum. A six pack usually ranges for $2-3 dollars at the grocery store but depending on your Dollar Tree store, they might even have the same packs for less!
- To use this free “thanks for going the extra mile and volunteering for us” gift tag printable just download the file, print our file in color on simple white cardstock and trim out each section to make FOUR cards or gift tags total. Attach each printed piece to a cardstock card front or use them as gift tags instead. Then just grab some little clear gift bags, place the gum inside with some pretty colored crinkle paper and tie off with ribbon & the pretty printed piece.
- Remember – you can also add your own embellishments to your cardstock pieces, to really make it your own! {like glitter, rhinestones or even stickers!!!}
- I know this small gift idea is not exactly elaborate but it’s the thought that counts. Plus you can make a whole bunch at once and gift a large group, for a small price. This gift idea is also not just for this current season either {my main reason for the generic phrase and design!} It can also be used for Christmas or ANY day of the year! Remember – volunteers should be appreciated all year long!
- Please also consider bookmarking or saving this download to gift again {and again} next year! #gluedtomycrafts
And dear friends – although I love sharing these printables on Glued To My Crafts, there are some rules to follow so I’m able to keep offering these on my blog for free.
Just like with all my free printables on Glued To My Crafts – please only print these for personal use. This Volunteer Themed – Gift Tag and Card Printable can also be used for home decor, gifts, scrapbooking, cardmaking etc. But please – no altering, selling or claiming as your own.
Also no business or commercial use either. When sharing these on the internet – please link directly to this page and not to the download itself. #gluedtomycrafts