Slime Made Easy – Elmer’s Glue Slime Magical Liquid Activator Solution
Click our Amazon affiliate LINK HERE to purchase!!!
I should start off this post by saying, this is NOT at all sponsored by Elmer’s. Although I personal love them, they aren’t paying me to say that. TRUE STORY! I have used this Elmer’s Slime Magical Liquid Activator in the past {several times} so I know it works and honestly – I just like it. I think you will too so that’s why I’m here today! 🙂
BUT just fair warning – I am linking to Amazon in this particular blog post and if you happen to click the link and purchase this awesome slime activator solution, I “might” get a small commission off of that. The price is the still the same regardless of what you do when you click the link but you could potentially support Glued To My Crafts in a small way.
If you do make a purchase through my link – thank you! We would really appreciate this small way of supporting Glued To My Crafts!
So anyways – back to the “slime made easy” post. I just wanted to share real quick a tip and shoutout to this “magic solution” that will make your SLIME making super easy from here on out!!! If you or your child are still going crazy over the colorful slime trend, you may need to add this to your shopping list! Especially if you are looking for a NO contact solution or borax recipe to make your own slime today!
Click the affiliate LINK HERE to purchase!!!
It’s a solution that takes away the need of baking soda and/or contact solution. No more measuring out a million ingredients or messing around to found the perfect formula!
With the Elmer’s Glue Slime Magical Liquid Activator, all you need to do is pour the entire contents of a bottle of Elmer’s school glue in a large mixing bowl and add 1/4 cup of the magic solution. That’s it for the slime ingredients! Then mix as usual with a spoon and you will get some awesome homemade slime in no time. From there – you can add all the fun stuff like glitter, food coloring, etc. and get straight to playing with it.
So friends – clearly you need it! Now go buy it and try these easy slime recipes below!